Making the most out of everything.

Learn how our crypto-fund generates yield and how you could be a part of it.

Crypto Lending

Annual Percentage Yield (APY):

8% - 12%

Our lending services work by connecting borrowers to lenders through a decentralized protocol. From there, borrowers loan crypto using other digital-based assets as collateral and pay interest back to their lenders. Through our Crypto Lending service, we’re able to offer a healthly yield on stable coins, with payouts just about every week or month depending on the platform.

Liquidity Providing

Annual Percentage Yield (APY):

8% - 15%

Our liquidity providing service is designed to ensure liquidity to decentralized swap protocols. From there, investors receive a yield through trading fees accumulated for each transaction. Our liquidity providing service is governed by smart contracts, which means that there are never any third parties involved.

Get In Touch With Us

Have a question about what we do or what we have to offer? Speak with a member from our team today. We’d be more than happy to provide you with more information related to who we are and what we do.
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